All-new novella in I LOVED YOU FIRST
I'm so pleased to announce an all-new novella in I LOVED YOU FIRST, a collection of stories focused on second chances at love. It's...

Molly and Amanda Answer Reader Questions Part 3
We're back again, answering more of your questions! Thanks for submitting them!

Molly and Amanda Answer Reader Questions Part 2
Yes, we're in the same clothes as last time because we filmed these all at once, but packaged them in short segments so they would be...

Molly and Amanda Answer Your Questions! (Part 1)
Making good use of our time while stuck in quarantine! If you'd like to ask us a question, write to Jane.jameson AT hotmail.com.

ALWAYS BE MY BANSHEE is now available in audio
ALWAYS BE MY BANSHEE is now available exclusively on audio, narrated by Amanda Ronconi and Jonathan Davis. It will be available in ebook...

Humorous Dialogue: A How-To
I’ve gotten a few questions about humorous dialogue and how I write it. I’ve taught a few workshops on the subject – generally about how...

Your Kids Are Home With You For a While... Now What?
Or "How To Take Care of Your Kids While Also Working From Home During the Quarantine" I’m used to working in my pajama pants. When...

How to Work from Home During a Quarantine
Or "How to Succeed in Pajamas Without Really Trying." Also, that is a stock photo and not my actual legs. As someone who’s worked from...

My Writing Process: Research Rabbit Holes and Bad Dancing
A lot of readers asked about my writing process, and since I just started a new project, I thought it would be a good time to blog about...

Part 2 of Molly and Amanda's Winter Video Chat
Amanda and I talk about the author/actress life similarities and intentionally interacting with people in real life.